The world’s largest emerald gems evoke a value of 370 million

The world's largest emerald

Profile photo: The emerald unearthed in the Bahia region of Brazil in 2001 was wrapped in a raw ore weighing more than 380 kg.

International Online reported on September 27, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) September 26 news, the Los Angeles court was asked to decide the ownership of a huge emerald. In order to get this treasure worth 370 million US dollars (2.48 billion yuan), it has been confirmed that six people claim to be its legal owner.

The gem is called "Bahia Emerald" and was unearthed in Bahia, Brazil in 2001. It was wrapped in a raw ore and weighed over 380 kg. Before deciding on the affiliation of this gem, the judge will hold a hearing in October to hear the best words of the six-party self-proclaimed gem master.

The central figure in the case is Anthony Thomas, a builder from California. Shortly after the jewel was unearthed nine years ago, he bought it from two Brazilian jewelers for $60,000 (400,000 yuan). He arranged for the ship to send the gem to his hometown of San Jose, but the gem had never been in his hands. Thomas believes that he must have been deceived, or that the jewel was stolen halfway.

Thomas is just one of the owners of the "Bahia Emerald." The problem he faced was that in the process of waiting for delivery, a fire broke out in his house and the goods receipt was destroyed. But this gem finally appeared in the United States. Who is the real master of it? This has become a matter of debate.

According to the relevant records, this gem was preserved in the New Orleans bank vault, and the Bahia Emerald was discovered unexpectedly after the flood caused by Hurricane Katrina was overwhelmed. Since then, the gem has been taken to Los Angeles and finally discovered and protected by the Los Angeles police.

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