How to buy Tibetan carpets

Tibet carpet is unique in weaving, bright and harmonious in color, soft and delicate on the surface of the carpet, durable, and with a strong national pattern, it has a high appreciation value, which is called exquisite craftsmanship and beautiful appearance. However, if you buy Tibetan carpets, you should also pay attention to whether there are common quality defects. Then, how to buy Tibetan carpets has become a concern of consumers. The following tells you some home textile knowledge and teaches you to buy Tibetan carpets.

Combustion method

A few pieces of wool are taken from the carpet, ignited, and the burning speed, the generated odor and the shape of the ash are observed to distinguish which fiber. When the wool fiber burns without flame, it will emit smoke and foam, and it will have a wooly smell. After burning, it will form a shiny, brittle black solid. When the nylon fiber burns without flame, the fiber shrinks rapidly and melts into a gel, which becomes a tough brown hard ball after cooling. The polyester fiber burning flame is yellowish white, very bright, smokeless, and the ash is black lumps. The acrylic fiber burns slowly, has a bitter smell, and the ash becomes a brittle black hard ball. At the beginning of the combustion of the vinylon fiber, there is a little flame at the fiber end, and the fiber is melted into a gel, which has a thick black smoke and a black solid. When the polypropylene burns, the flame is yellow and almost no ash.

2. Density elasticity

Inspect the density and elasticity of the general Tibetan carpet. There are two main methods. You can use the thumb to press on the Tibetan carpet. If you lift your finger, the Tibetan carpet can be quickly restored to its original shape, indicating that the density and elasticity of the woven fabric are good, or the Tibetan carpet is good. The more difficult it is to see the rug on the bottom pad, the more dense the velvet is, the more durable it is.

3. Look at the quality of appearance

When consumers choose the Tibetan carpet, they should check the blanket horizontally and vertically, the four sides are straight and without the lotus edge; the carpet surface is smooth and uniform, flat, no obvious ditch, long hair, half-head, head and lying head; The back is flat, no obvious ditch, convex, no obvious twist, uneven density, hopping, wearing scratches, smudges. Avoid the appearance of drums and inequalities in the laying of the carpet, and lose the comfort and aesthetic effect.

4. Color difference

When purchasing a Tibetan carpet, you can request samples for reference in the space to be paved. Because the color of the carpet seen will be slightly different under different light conditions, it is best to observe the effect under the light source of the actual paving space. After the whole piece is laid, the color tends to be slightly lighter than the sample, and this factor should be taken into account when selecting.

5. Brand guarantee

Regardless of the purchase of any kind of Tibetan carpet, you should choose a manufacturer with good quality and credit guarantee. Moreover, in addition to the excellent product quality, such manufacturers will provide a series of perfect after-sales service guarantees, which are also factors that consumers care about and cannot be ignored.